It's been a long and quiet year and half. Not that quiet as we've held one more marathon in autumn 2011. That was a small Spyro the Dragon marathon that I and Yufii played together. We finished first three Spyro games and played Spyro: Year of the Dragonfly a bit. Sadly we don't have any videos about that. But we have fanart! And I'm finally going to upload the pics in here very soon.
But enough of that. Finally we've decided to have a new marathon. 10.-12.8.2012 our plan is to play Metroid Prime Trilogy. Most of us don't have any experience of playing Metroid games, so it will be blind running. No worries though, it should still be quite entertaining. ;D
We're sorry that it took this long to update, but it has been a busy year. It certainly won't take this long in the future. The next update will be about the fanarts, I promise!
- Unita