The Team

Kiraito (sensei)
Role: gamer
Age: 18 years old

Yuffie (lentäjä, Raikov)
Role: gamer
Age: 22 years old
Favourite genres: RPGs, adventure, puzzle games
@ Backloggery

My first console was Sega Megadrive, and the game Sonic 2. Since then I've been hooked to gaming. I like watching others play as much as I like to play myself, but I do tend to give the controller to someone else if there's an audience. I'm also a very visual person, so the graphics and characters play a great role when I decide wether to buy/play a game or not. I've been sharing games and consoles with my sisters, and when I got my own apartment everything stayed with them, but I've managed to get a Wii and a DSi now so all is good. Well, we can always exchange consoles if I get a craving for Metal Gear Solid for example~

Role: gamer
Age: 21 years old
Favourite genres: RPGs, survival horror, platformers
@ The Backloggery

I've been playing video games since I can remember, whether it was on our Sega Megadrive or my cousin's PS. I didn't play as much then as I do now, but after getting PS2 my gaming habits changed drastically. I went from a casual young gamer to a video game nerd whose number of consoles and games just keeps rising and rising. Not that I complain. I prefer games with a great plot and characters.

Role: gamer, blogger
Age: 20 years old
Favourite genres: RPGs, puzzle games
@ The Backloggery

When I was young, I mostly enjoyed watching my cousins play games like Crash Bandicoot, Tekken and the old Super Mario games, but very rarely I actually played myself. I got my first console pretty late (a PS from a family acquaintance who didn't need it after getting himself a PS2), so in a way I'm quite new for gaming. I don't consider myself a "hardcore gamer", but nevertheless I think games are a great way of having fun.
Other than play games I draw, make crafts and stuff like that.

Role: gamer, technician, blogger
Age: 23 years old
Favourite genres: RPG, Adventure, puzzle games

I've been playing games since age four. I started from Amiga games and continued with Sega Megadrive for a while. After that I got into the Pokemon games and got Game Boy Color and Advance. Much later I managed to brainwash my parents to get us Playstation and my love for Final Fantasy series started to bloom. Nowadays I'm a huge friend of jrpg:s but play other kind of games too. I tend to analyze game plots and characters a lot.

Role: gamer
Age: 20
Favourite genres: rpg, adventure, strategy, fps
@ The Backloggery

I grew up with DOS games because my parents did not want to buy consoles for me and I didn't even really know about them. The first game I played was probably Jazz Jackrabbit. My parents have told me that I could write a DOS commands at the age of two by seeing letters as symbols because I couldn't  read. I got few CDs containing huge amounts of DOS games from my father so they are more than familiar to me. My faves were and still are Commander Keen 4, Duke Nukem 2, Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure and Skyroads. I often watched my father play Doom 2 and all kinds of flight simulators. I always though it was interesting to watch when my brother and cousin played against each other Heroes of Might and Magic 3. My brother is no longer playing that game but I sure do. I got an used Playstation 1 when I was around 11. It came with Breath of Fire 3 and Adventure's of Alundra, which were the first rpg and adventure games I played. Today I'm a collector and I dream of a huge collection of SNES games which is also my favourite console.