First of all, thanks to everybody who stayed awake with us and helped us finish the games! It has been like a year or more since we last played MGS 1-3. And I apologize for not playing as much as I should have! Luckily our "jack the ripper" sensei was such a hard worker. I mean, player.
Speaking of nicknames, Why on earth did you guys call me "Lentäjä" [in english: Pilot]?! Come on, it was clearly Raikov's hat! And raikov is a Major! Not a pilot!
Yeah, we did some closet cosplaying for your enjoyment~ I was Raikov (and EVA at some point) and sensei was Snake for a while. I didn't even notice at first how many MGS related accessorys sensei had! Raikov's hat, ocelot's bullet necklace, EVA's goggles... even a lab coat, but we didn't find it. Those I remember, there might have been more. And of course, THE Box made an appearance, too. I myself enjoyed the cosplay very much! I wonder if we play more games with cosplayable characters?
I think our marathon was a success~ Despite the fact that I was feeling really sick the last day. Too much sugar and not enough sleep. But the games were awesome, people in the chat were great, and the company was good~
Next time I wish we could have a little more space around the computer, and a chat-master who talks with the chat people and stays there, this time it was randomly someone who happened to be near the screen, haha. I could have done it but it was really crowded in front of the screen, and it was hard to follow the game, and I really wanted to follow the epic storyline of MGS.
That's pretty much everything I wanted to say. I'm pretty sure our next game will be MGS4, we have to figure out what other games we will play after we finish it. I would like to play portable ops and peace walker if we are able to stream them, we could keep the MGS theme then.
Well, stay tuned for more information about the next stream!
It was so fun! :)